Starboard Stroke

Home > Water in Paintings > Starboard Stroke
Painting of a group of men paddling a large canoe.
Rhythmic arms dance the boat across the water.

This image struck me first for the contrast of the colors the browns of this other skin against the blue of the water and witness of the boat and the repetition of motion, separate yet parts of the same bands. With each stroke, the boat rising up as the paddles pull in. The drips of water are falling off the paddles, cooling their sun drench bodies. 

Polynesian navigation for thousands of years, enabling thousands of kilometres voyages in the Pacific Ocean, allowing contact with nearly every island within the vast Polynesian Triangle. Using way-finding using knowledge passed by oral tradition, often in the form of song. Each island had a group of navigators held in high regard, as they could trade neighbouring islands. This navigation methods are taught today.

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