Fast Food Worker: Support Children On Nothing?

Portrait painting by Chris Dale of a woman sitting in a chair, child in lap smoking a cigarette, wearing a fast-food uniform.
Supporting children on fast food worker wage.

Fast Food Worker

Single mother working in the fast food industry. Imagine not the dream she had for her life, left alone without support. Is she a slut for having a child out of wedlock, or did he beat her and refuse to give her the option to abort? Caught up in the propaganda, unable to see a way out. Her body is controlled when it is convenient, but the responsibility for that control fades when it requires assistance. For it to work, everyone must see the same thing and nothing outside their delusions. There cannot be another way to maintain its truth. To see something else would mean they were not the only truth.

Rather than encouraging this woman and her child to grow into healthy, happy people, they must be mocked and dismissed. To maintain their vision or righteousness, she is a sinner who deserves everything she receives. Unfortunately, as a participant in this propaganda, she may come to believe that this is her life and see no other option.

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