Tradition of White Supremacist Deeply Ingrained In American Psyche

Learning White Supremacist through Indoctrination.
Unpacking White Supremacist Roots in American Culture

White Supremacist

It is shocking to see how, through play, this child illustrates the opinions of their parents and their community. These ideas were clearly not created by the child; rather, this is a story about the group’s beliefs. Each person in my community supports these ideas, allowing others to feel justified in this belief and pass it on to their children. The need to blame others for your problems is easier than taking responsibility or facing them yourself.

White Supremacist fertile ground for propaganda, the blaming of others, and shifting your responsibility. When others can be blamed, there is a sense of well-being; self-examination is needed. It is simple; you do not have to think; just believe that you are right. This is the mindset of all people before a fascist dictator takes power.

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