The Generals: Four Young Boys Dressed Up In Uniform

Portrait painting by Chris Dale of three children dressed up as Generals, accentuated by gold-rimmed sunglasses matching the gold band of the caps.
Control all the that does not shine on you as they bathe in God’s radiance.

The Generals

Children’s dress-up is one of the most common forms of self-propaganda indoctrination. Playing allows children to imagine themselves as part of the images and ideas around them. This is not inherently bad; creating stories for oneself is a form of learning and to better understand their place. When girls are constantly encouraged to only redress up one way, made to wear dresses, cook, clean, and only play dolls and babies.

This story is a dictated and free form of play. In the painting, children dress up as dictators and the warlords that terrorize their land and the people. The only way they seem to take control is to become the oppressors. Through their play, they show dysfunction in society. Because the way children dress reveals what is really going on in our communities.

I’m not sure what organization these generals in Uniform are part of.

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