Genius Son Or Disturb Young Man Writing On The Wall

Portrait painting by Chris Dale of a man crazed look in his eyes sitting topless on a bed, drawing on the walls.
The greatest participation always wins a trophy.

Genius Son

In mental health, clients created a world out of the doctrine surrounding them. Express these propaganda rules and contracts in unusual ways. Response to the propaganda being forced down their throats as children and now as adults. Reflecting the contradictions that are inherent with most dogmatic structures is madness.

Playing with this can cause discomfort in traditionally established institutions and the people in them, so hiding these individuals in institutions was popular. This is a little of a romanticization of mental health issues. But the tradition of locking people up in an institution because they did not follow what was thought to be appropriate behaviour that you find embarrassing or simply uncomfortable to deal with was not uncommon. These days, we still confined people because they make us feel uncomfortable and do not live in this world the way we were taught to believe and think people should.

Genius Son, their parents wish to believe he will find himself eventually.

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