Indoctrination: The First Day School Work Begins

Knowledge day is the name given to the new school year and this girl start of first grade.
Celebrate Knowledge Day: A Tribute to Child First Day School


Knowledge Day, often simply called 1 September, originated in the USSR by the Decree in 1984 as a holiday day to honour teachers and directors and marks the end of summer. It has greater significance for children coming for the first time, entering first grade.  The other studies start on September 1 or a few days later without anything special.

The occasion seems quite appropriate to celebrate the first day of a child education, the beginning of your indoctrination into your own culture. This used to be started at grade 1 at the age of 6. But now children usually start to go to some sort of care significantly earlier than that, but this is informal and can wildly differ from organizations with regard to what is being taught.

Knowledge day is the name given to the new school year and this girl start of first grade.
Ivanovo, Russia

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