Mona Lisa: This Painting Is Fraudulent Reproduction

Painting by Chris Dale, of a woman sitting in front of a window, a reinterpretation of Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci.
A reinterpretation of Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa

Painting by Chris Dale, of a woman sitting in front of a window, a reinterpretation of by Leonardo da Vinci.

Reinterpretation of famous painting is something have been thinking about. The idea is not original, which is one reason was reluctant to start. But realized that my interpretation would not simply a copy. Surprisingly more interesting had original though. I have a better idea of why it was common for a painter to copy the great masters. My interest was less about the copy of the techniques, rather spending all that time examining all parts of the work.

One of three, the other is Woman Rocking and The Jack Pine

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