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All my reality comes through my phone.
On the moon, a spaceman with a phone is looking at the earth's picture on their phone's screen. They could turn around and see the earth from the moon where they stand, but they are comforted in the knowledge that it is on their phone, the internal place of all, meaning. The world around is nothing but an illusion. As long as you have the image on your phone, you are safe and fulfilled.
What a great day for ants!
featured-ice-cream-cone-on-bathroom floor
A drawing by artist Chris Dale of an ice cream cone on bathroom floor with a urinal and toilet in the background against a blue tiled wall
It’s hard to imagine how they ever met, it must be over fish.
Cat Whale: K has an orange cat who is the whale's best friend, next to K, of course.
Painting by Chris Dale of three friends in bikinis with transparent coloured inner tubes bravely waiting into the ocean waves with there Safety Measure.
Painting by Chris Dale of three friends in bikinis with Safety Measure of transparent coloured inner tubes bravely waiting into the ocean waves.
Rhythmic arms dance the boat across the water.
This image is called Starboard Stroke what struck me first for the contrast of the colours—the browns of this other skin against the blue of the water and witness of the boat and the repetition of motion, separate yet parts of the same bands. With each stroke, the boat rises up as the paddles pull in. The drips of water are falling off the paddles, cooling their sun-drenched bodies. 
Painting of Woman standing against wall with light flooding upwards.
Tin Gao
Painting of Woman standing against wall with light flooding upwards.
Sexy Sadie killed eight and one of them Tate.
Susan Atkins, a founding member of the Charles Manson family, committed nine murders over a week at four locations in California; the most notorious was Sharon Tate.
The bright Jewels close on her skin.
Be Jewelled Bikini Top and bottom swing back and forth, sparkling in the hot, blazing sun, escaping the little shade offered by the single palm tree on the beach. The grey eyes are intently staring deeply at the observer.
Warm summer sunset on the suburban street.
Suburban Sunset on warm July twilight when the sun stays high at the starts of the night and the days are long. The smells of and heat from asphalt on this hot day continue to hang around. From the roads and driveways, with only a few small trees for shade.
Portrait painting by Chris Dale of wrestler of Sweet Daddy Siki.
Portrait painting by Chris Dale of wrestler of Sweet Daddy Siki.
I'm too sad to tell you.
Painting by Artist Chris Dale, Ocean Wave of a man on a small boat facing backward, not seeing the large wave coming toward him.
Painting by Chris Dale of a woman screaming at the land from the shoreline
Painting by Chris Dale of a woman screaming at the land from the shoreline
Portrait painting by Chris Dale of young woman in blonde hair and lime green dress.
Portrait painting by Chris Dale of young woman in blonde hair and lime green dress.
Painting by Chris Dale of the movie Nosferatu of the character Count Orlok over a body wanting to be fed on.
Painting by Chris Dale of the movie Nosferatu of the character Count Orlok over a body wanting to be fed on.
Painting by Chris Dale of man strapped into an electric chair, green and yellow horizontal stripes coat.
Painting by Chris Dale of man strapped into an electric chair, green and yellow horizontal stripes coat.
Portrait painting by Chris Dale of three children dressed up as Generals, accentuated by gold-rimmed sunglasses matching the gold band of the caps.
Portrait painting by Chris Dale of three children dressed up as Generals, accentuated by gold-rimmed sunglasses matching the gold band of the caps.
Maybe something last.
PTender kiss upon familiar cheek, companionship of lives lived that deepened through time. Grand gestures the passionate displays, are remembered in small moments of unique understanding now holding hands, sharing stories bring life memories grand. Comfort and familiarity, friend lover who is parts of your life there forever.ainting by artist Chris Dale of an elderly couple of one kissing the other on the cheek.
One of your beer is in the sun.
Digital drawing by artist Chris Dale of penis on the beach in a chair wearing his sunglasses under an umbrella eating barbecued birds on skewers and drinking beer.
Hard swinging rebel Goddess.
Let the Demons Sing; Arrow De Wilde, anger and rage are pouring from every pore. Total destruction with teeth clenched, eye wide, ready for destruction by the hard-swinging rebel goddess. Like Kali, the Hindu goddess of time, death, violence, sexuality, and female empowerment.
Getting ready for a night out.
Readying for a night out first means painting some nails, then a few hair curlers, smoking a cigarette while you wait for the hair to set, and putting on your V-neck sweater as part of the ritual to create the face for the world to see.
Blazing sunlight fragments through the leaves.
I had to paint this picture as soon as I saw it was later called Grenade Day. I saw a picture of a little kid in their summer clothes throwing a fit and brandishing a toy grenade in the park among the trees, looking like they had just left my party.
Pushing spring on this cold, sunny day in the city.
Flowered Hat, A cold winter's day with your long grey coat as you're venturing out into the world protected from the elements and providing a bit of flare to the outfit's style of the days gone by.
Wide space causes our eyes to find a peaceful place to rest in.
Horizontal lines of the open space are a pasture for our eyes to rest, giving a brief moment to see deeper where time has a rest without the clutter drawing us farther in to see what is truly there.
Horizontal control.
Her bangs create a strong line across her forehead like the rope across her chest above her breasts with a V shape around her neck. Framing everything clearly as to exaggerating the importance of everything is control, defining a clear edge, limiting motion, or idea of self. 
Do the Egyptian dance.
View of Fashion: Only the body moving forward is all they really want is one side. The best fashion side is always forward-looking, never seen from uncomfortable angles, always the front-best side.
Life tastes so good.
Tongue out the organ of profound Able to feel like a very tiny finger and to stop the brain with taste all so close to our nose that we smell it at the same time. In our mind, it is a gigantic part of our brain.
Breathing is a lovely thing to be able to do and to keep on doing.
With every exhale, air escapes from your lungs and muscles, relaxing, and the body feels as if it is flushing out a pollutant, ready to bring the brightness back into the body with every new breath for the body renewal.
I can't imagine the colour making a difference.
Drawing by artist Chris Dale of a character called K who is pouring many hands full of Halloween candy down their throat.
They must love the movie Mary Poppins
A drawing by artist Chris Dale, Lost Umbrella, is of a group of whale flying party, over a green hillside, aided by umbrellas in their mouths.
The gaze of the observer is a distant thought.
A painting on paper by artist Chris Dale of a topless woman with an angular face, yellow hair in distant thought, still seeing peripheral.
Is there a greater horror than having no identity?
A painting by artist Chris Dale of Frankenstein's Monster. A traditional portraiture focusing on his head as the character looks towards the ground.

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