Ho Chi Minh Museum History of Great Leader

A brave soldier with family receives soil to bring with him into battle.

The soil of one's home
Carrying the ground that you’re fighting for into battle

 French Cartoon

A French cartoon depicting the Frenchman’s standing on the heads of the Vietnamese in the Ho Chi Minh Museum.

Throw off your oppressor
The Civilized French stand on the heads of the Vietnamese to obtain power

A Vietnamese person is pulling a Frenchman along in a cart in the Ho Chi Minh Museum.

Carrying your oppression
Carrying your colonizers around


An embroidery of Ho Chi Minh in the Ho Chi Minh Museum

Likeness sister to cloth
Richmond embroidered into cloth

Ho Chi Minh Museum


A painting of Ho Chi Minh leaving Vietnam to learn.

The beginning of his education
Young man leaves to gain knowledge

Membership Card

Ho Chi Minh delegate card for the International Congress, 1924.

Gaining perspective
Learning and developing his ideas with others


Statue of Nguyen Minh Chau reading the paper

USA is losing
Reading about the American demise

The Battle of Dien Bien Phu statue marked an end to French colonial rule in Vietnam in 1954.

End to French colonial rule in Vietnam
The last battle for the French


Explaining the Battle of Dien Bien Phu statue.

The last battle for the French
End to French colonial rule in Vietnam



Author: Nguyen Hai The Victory of Dien Bien Phu Statue in 1954

Author: Nguyen Hai

Coloured Drawings

Elders for wisdom 

Understanding what is happening
Maybe, through wisdom, we can proceed forward without making mistakes

A colour drawing of peasants asking for rights 

Demanding rights
The protest begins


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