The story of two friends, one an Imaginary Whale, is a series of drawings I did a few years ago with the idea of it becoming a storybook. Drawings were in pencil and then pen, with no colour. For publishing, the images would need to be scanned and decided it would be easier to colour them digitally. Understanding drawings and perspective is something that is learned, and the addition of colour might clarify this.
A story about K and his friend, the whale, who lived in a tree backyard of the family home.
Imaginary Whale
Every day, K leaves home with the key to the house around his neck on a piece of string, but when they got home, the key was gone.
When asked about the location of the key, K explained that the whale must have used it to open up their castle
Imaginary Whale
K had a bright red bicycle that they would ride all around town and often to the store. One day the bicycle was not in the backyard.
Imaginary Whale
When asked the location of the bicycle, K explained that the whale had taken it for a ride.
Halloween Candy
Halloween candy night went trick or treating; K was a pirate; the whale was just a whale. The next morning, there was no candy left from the night before.
When asked about the location of the candy, K explained that the whale must have eaten it all without sharing with the rest of the family.
Mittens and Hat
In the winter, K has bright red mittens and a toque. In the morning, when to go outside, they were missing.
When asked about the location of the mittens and toque, K explained that the whale must have left them outsized when they were playing. I just said that a story is a story.
Ice Cream
Sometimes when K goes out with his parents, they purchase him an ice cream cone. On this day, they brought him one, but they immediately noticed that it was no longer in his hands.
When asked about the location of his ice cream cone, K explained that the whale had taken it because nobody ever bought it any ice cream.
Imaginary Whale
As a present, K received a brass horn, which they played constantly to the point where their parents told them to stop. But they kept on hearing the horn, and they asked him.
When they asked them why they were still playing, it explained that they were not playing the horn, but the whale was playing the horn very loudly and was unable to tell them to stop.
Messy Room
K had a bedroom with red carpet, and this bedroom was to be kept clean and tidy. But when his parents entered it, they exclaimed at how he got such a messy room after cleaning it.
When they asked them why the bedroom was so messy, K explained that when he was out at school, the whale messed up his whole room looking for something.
Sometimes one of K parents would make pie, and they would set it on the table to cool. One day, when they went to get their pie to have for dinner, it was gone.
When asked about the location of the pie, K explained that the whale’s big, long tongue had licked it right off the table.
In the winter, in early spring, K would wear blue boots to keep their feet dry. One morning, on the way out to go play, the boots were gone.
When asked about the location of the boots, K explained that the whale was tired of having water-soaked flippers and was wearing them.
Imaginary Whale
Breakfast Cereal Spill
Sometimes for breakfast cereal, when K’s parents are in a rush, he eats cereal with milk. But this morning, when his parents were getting ready to go, they noticed the bowl of cereal on the floor.
When asked about the reason the bull of cereal was on the floor, K explained that the whale had been dancing on the table and knocked it off.
When K was little, he had a pram, which his parents pushed them around in, but now the baby uses it.
When the parents wanted to use the pram, it was nowhere to be seen, and they asked K where it was.
When asked about the location of the pram, K replied that the whale was pushing around their baby in the park.
In their home are some tools; one of those tools is a saw. The other day, one of the parents wanted to cut some wood but could not find the saw, so they asked K.
When asked about the location of the saw, K replied that the whale had boarded to cut open a treasure chest at the bottom of the ocean.
Lost Umbrella
By the front door in K house there is a yellow and red umbrella, but on the next rainy day when the parents wanted to use it, it was not there.
When asked about the location of the K, explain to his parents that the whale had borrowed it to fly over the hills with their friends.
Cat Whale
K has an orange cat who is the whale’s best friend, next to K, of course.