Images Embedded In Tarmac or Asphalt: A Reminder Of Things Past

Fossils In The Tarmac: a horizontal top view of the world

Growing up in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, we have a tradition of information like dating when the sidewalk was poured, often predating myself. Commonly found are impressions left by children, leaving their name, an occasional heart by a teenager, and the least common surveyors tack embedded. This did not end up being the most interesting part of my walk; the intersections were much of greater interest and harder to photograph, as one had to walk back and forth with the camera between traffic stops.

Swerving through traffic, avoiding the cars.
It was a hot summer day
What a clear footprint and perfect conditions!
What a clear footprint and perfect conditions!
What a clear footprint and perfect conditions!
What a clear footprint and perfect conditions!
What a clear footprint and perfect conditions!
What a clear footprint and perfect conditions!
Maybe the whole show was stuck
It looks as if they stood there for a long time
Dragged through the paint whether or like
Barely sure what made this, maybe another foot at all
It was a hot summer day
Swerving through traffic, avoiding the cars.
Maybe you and they were running
The foot must have slipped sideways
One foot, the other will follow
This looks like they were jaywalking
Almost prehistoric
Definitely a fossil, but not sure what from
So very aquatic
It looks more like a seashell, a little footprint

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